Like all airfields, Wellesbourne Airfield remains under constant threat of being dug up and replaced with an unwanted housing development or some faceless aluminium sheds. Once a strong community asset like this is lost however it will be lost forever.
In order to prevent this nightmare scenario from happening, Wellesbourne Matters was formed over ten years ago to fight tooth and nail against any proposal that would lead to the loss of the airfield. Thanks to widespread local and national public support, we have been able to keep up the fight and as of now the airfield is just as active and welcoming as it has always been.
Sadly though, storm clouds are gathering as the Landowner’s and Developers have recently put forward a proposal to develop the majority of the airfield and leave only a small strip left for aircraft operations. In the public consultation roadshow that was held last summer, the Developer’s faced an overwhelmingly negative response to their proposal from a significant number of really well informed residents. It appears that Stratford District Council also took a dim view of the proposal as it came nowhere near to complying with the requirements of the Core Strategy and the Wellesbourne and Walton Neighbourhood Plan.
We expect that this rejection of the proposal will not stop the Developer’s from either tweaking their plan or submitting it or to commence actions to get the aviation functions removed from the Core Strategy or Neighbourhood Plan.
The contents of this website will tell you how you can help us to prevent either of these scenarios from happening,

Wellsbourne matters lifetime membership